Responsible Travelling

“You leave a piece of your heart when you travel”

This quote is frequently used by travel bugs. While leaving a piece of your heart is a wonderful idea, it is essential to keep in mind what a traveler must not leave behind. It starts with the idea of being aware of everything we introduce into an eco-system. While biodegradable can be disposed of in a hygienic and non-intrusive manner, plastic or any kind of reckless disposal of waste should be curbed with utmost vigilance. Small yet innovative steps can be taken for a better tomorrow. At Madventures we encourage all the trekkers to collect any non-biodegradable waste – plastic bottles, cans, covers – spotted by them. This instills a sense of ownership and responsibility towards nature in everyone. Furthermore, by leaving the place better than it was before we walked by, we appeal to the compassion in the hearts of every traveler to follow.

For starters, the treks in Western Ghats usually range from easy to moderate, which makes it feasible for the trekkers to pick up any waste and put it in their backpacks. This practice is easy-to-implement and only requires one to follow the idea diligently. By taking small steps forward with such initiatives, we hope to inspire other agencies to transition from Tourism to Eco-tourism. These also help cultivate a healthy relationship with the locals of the region because by respecting the environment they live in, we respect the people who live there. This is to leave a piece of our heart behind, in its essence. We take pride in calling ourselves an ecotourism agency and our founders assiduously curate each of our trips and green initiatives.

Only as a community can we take a step toward making our Earth a better place. The world we live in is rapidly turning into carbon emitting system where over-tourism is a crucial factor. To build a more environmentally friendly world, it is vital to have the determination to drive out consumerist ideals and make environment the primary focus. Being a mindful traveler doesn’t take a lot of effort, it just takes a little awareness and action to make a huge difference. Actions contributing on a grass-root level help sow the seed to bring forth a revolutionary change. Being part of such a grand change, not only makes the trip more memorable but also leaves a positive impact on the destination visited.

This is a note for a better tomorrow by making meaningful and wise changes today. Let us think, travel, live and explore greener paths.

About the Author:

Apoorva Amaresh is currently a student at Christ University in Bangalore. She is an avid traveler and trekker .

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